*May request written permission for overnight permit.
Purchasing a Service Vehicle Permit
To purchase a Service Vehicle Permit, please fill email [email protected] with your request prior to your arrival at UMD.
Once you have submitted this form, visit the Transportation & Parking office at 202 Kirby Plaza. Payment may be made by credit card or check, no cash please.
- Contractor shall provide transportation to campus and must comply with all posted regulations, signs and directions regarding traffic, parking, and loading/unloading, which includes purchasing service vehicle permits from Transportation & Parking Services. Service vehicle parking shall be in compliance with the policies and procedures of UMD Transportation & Parking Services.
- The Contractor shall arrange for loading/unloading operations in off street areas or in alleys, driveways, side streets or designated "Loading Zone”. If no other alternative is available, vehicles may temporarily park short-term on UMD roads provided that the name of the Contractor, Subcontractor, or Supplier name is displayed on the vehicle.
- Warning signs and barricades in accordance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices are required when stopped or working on University roads. Parking regulations will be strictly enforced.
- Parking for personal vehicles of construction personnel is not allowed on construction sites. Parking is available in University parking lots in accordance with posted regulations and fees. Parking is often allowed free of charge in maroon & white lots when school is not in session, refer to posted regulations for timing.
- Company vehicles necessary to the completion of the work may be parked on site at the discretion of the Project Manager. Parking shall be restricted to impervious surfaces if at all possible. Company vehicles parked on site shall have the name of the company displayed on the side of the vehicle and a valid service vehicle permit visibly displayed.
- University contractors are eligible to purchase a service vehicle permit available from UMD Transportation & Parking Services. Service vehicle permits are valid for one (1) month, six (6) months or twelve (12) months from the date of purchase. Service vehicle permits are not valid for personal vehicles. All vehicles must be identified with the company name clearly displayed on the outside of the vehicle, or on a company printed paper clearly displayed on the dash. Hand written notes are not acceptable.
- Service Vehicle permits are valid in service vehicle spaces. If a service vehicle space is not readily available, the vehicle may be parked in the nearest permit lot (Maroon, Gold, White or Green) providing both the permit is visibly displayed and the vehicle is clearly identified with the company name. In unique situations, and with notification to the Transportation & Parking Services Office, the vehicle may be parked in any legal parking space (including metered spaces and Pay Lot G). Parking is never allowed in No Parking zones including fire lanes, driving lanes, bus stops, handicapped spaces, or Designated Reserve Permit spaces.
- Service vehicle permits are transferable between vehicles providing all vehicles are identified with the company name clearly displayed. Service vehicle permit spaces are strictly enforced year round, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Vehicles not displaying the proper permit or not clearly identifiable as company vehicles will be ticketed. Lost or stolen permits will be issued a replacement for a duplication fee. A police report is requested for all stolen permits.