Bike Commuting Counts!
Who We Are
UMD’s Bike-to-Campus Program is coordinated in partnership between the UMD Office of Sustainability, UMD’s Recreational Sports Outdoor Program, UMD Transportation & Parking and the UMD Wellness Program.
The ZAP UMD Bike-to-Campus Program has a goal of increasing bike commuting between the campus and the community.
The University of Minnesota has partnered with a Twin Cities company called Dero to offer an automated bicycle commuting recognition system. This is an easy (and free for bike commuters!) way of verifying and logging bike trips to campus, and rewarding bicycle commuters with prizes and Wellness rewards.
How it Works
A small tag is attached to your front wheel’s spokes. This tag is embedded with an RFID chip, similar to what runners attach to their shoelaces during running races.

When you ride past a ‘Zap Station,’ you will hear a beep, and get credit for your round-trip for the day (home to campus, and back home).
Get Involved
Learn how to become involved with the program
Already Tagged?
Bike Rack Locations
We realize you'll need a spot to lock up your bike, so we've provided quite a few choices.
Here is a link to the map which displays the locations; Bike Rack Map